Friday, January 13, 2012

It's a New Year...What are your Resolutions?

Happy New Year to our patients and fans of Novi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics!
 Now that everyone has had an opportunity to recover from the holidays, it is time to start thinking about our goals for the New Year... and, more importantly, putting them into action!

You may resolve, like many others, to lose weight or exercise more this year.  But, this will not just happen without focus and hard work.  It is important to set a long term goal, but it is easier to achieve this long term goal if you make smaller, more short term goals that will reward you for your hard work.  If losing weight is your goal, we can help you to identify your goal weight for your optimal health.  Once you have identified the target weight, you can set a weekly goal for your weight loss so you are able to see your progress along the way.  Remember, that extra 50 pounds will not just disappear, but will come off at about 1-2 pounds per week.  Slow and steady progress is the best way to lose weight and keep it off.

We hope that all of our patients can make a resolution to focus on their health this year.  You may start by putting yourself back on your priority list.  You bring the kids in every year for their check ups, but have you had yours?  Be sure to schedule your yearly physical where we take time to review your medical history, family history and risk factors.  This can help you to identify what your major health concerns and risks are, and hopefully minimize these risks with appropriate interventions.  

At Novi Internal Medicine and Pediatrics, we, too, are making resolutions for the new year.  We will to continue to provide compassionate care to our patients, and we are always working to improve our procedures and practices.  We love to hear feedback from our patients, good and bad.  I (Dr. Leff), have made a personal resolution to try to keep our website up to date by posting articles, information, and blog entries on topics that are relevant to our patients.  So be sure to check back periodically for changes and become a "fan" on Facebook to follow our posts.

Happy New Year--we look forward to caring for you and your family in 2012!

"The Novi Docs"