Sunday, September 5, 2010

Exciting Changes Coming to Novi Docs...

We are constantly striving to improve our practice to provide the best care possible for our patients.  You may have recently noticed some improvements to our NOVIDOCS website including the updates posted to this blog.  We hope that you will check in with us frequently to find information that will help to keep you are your family healthy. 

We are finding new ways to keep our patients posted on happenings in our office.  You can now sign up to receive email updates when we post to our blog on the left side bar.  Become a fan on facebook and we will be posting our blog updates on this page as well.  Feel free to send us comments about anything posted on the blog, including suggested topics for postings; we would love to hear from you.  However, please remember that the blog and the website is only set up to provide patients with information, and should not be used to email your provider or ask personal medical questions that you would not want viewed by our "community".

The most important change that we are preparing for at the office is the addition of our ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORD.  That means that our office is going paperless, completely changing over from paper charting to computer charting.  The purpose of this is to provide you with the most current and best medical care possible.

The 'big switch' is scheduled to go live the first week in October.  We will be implementing many changes in our protocols including appointment scheduling, new forms and new ways of routing work in the office.  So, bear with us during this time; we may experience some growing pains along the way. Our ultimate goal is clear, to make your medical care more precise and more efficient.

We know that you will be satisfied with the end result.

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